Monday, August 24, 2009

Lucky: Rape Drama

You can tell that Alice is taking the rape really hard. She doesnt like to show it but she is hurting really bad inside. She thinks no guys will ever like her, she thinks she looks fat, wierd, and ugly. So the rape obviously lowered her self esteem. She went to court for the first time and Greg Madison wasn't in the court house. The atorney kept asking her questions that didn't have to do with the rape or anything. She then went to the police station to identify Greg Madison in a line up. Their was 5 guys lined up in a row. She knew it wasn't the first three but wasn't sure which of the last two was him she said they could of passed as twins. She picked one and it was not Greg. She then found out Greg chose who got to stand next to him. Maybe he chose his brother or someone related to him with similar physical features.

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