Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Raisin in the Sun:The Finale

The apartment is very depressed. They are all mad about loosing the money. Asagai offers Beneatha to go to Africa with him and help bring positive changes. Mr. Lindner and the movers both show up. Mama makes Walter talk to Mr Lindner. He trys to get the Younger's to not move into the all white development. But Walter stood up to Mr. Lindner and said that they are still moving. Mama is very proud of Walter and says that she thinks "Walter finally became a man for standing up to Mr. Lindner." I think that they all realised that they should take what they have for granted. They thought that getting this $10,000 would solve all their problems when really they had $6,500 stole. They were all starting to get a little cocky i think when it came to money until they lost it. I didn't really like the ending of the book. They all move out of the small apartment and they all live happily ever after. Lorraine should have made the ending more dramatic.

This is how i would have ended A Raisin in the Sun.
The Younger family moved out of their apartment before all the payments and bills were payed for their house. Since they lost all the other money they had no options. They were forced to sleep on the streets for a night. As soon as they are going to bed Mama quotes Langston Hughes "What happens to a dream deferred?" Then they wake up all dried up from the sun (LIKE A RAISIN.) But then they realise that today is the day that they will get to move into their own home. So they know that their dreams wont dry up like a Raisin in the Sun.

A Raisin in the Sun: Contradicting Mama!

The insurance check comes in and they think everything is going to be just jolly. They can all buy whatever they wanted. Mama spent $3,500 on a down payment of a house. She gave the rest of the money to Walter. She tells him to deposit $3,000 for Beneatha's education and the other $3,500 he can invest in the liquor business. Walter instead gives all the $6,500 to Willey to invest in the liquor business. Later Walter finds out that Willey ran off with all the money. Walter is super upset. He thought that investing in the liquor business would make him successful and give them all the money they needed. Mama is furious, she starts beating Walter. Mama you seem contradicting. You are praying and such a holy woman, then two seconds later your beating your son. And Mama why would you pick to live in an all white neighborhood? You know its the 1950's, a lot of white people are still racist. I don't think that was the best idea, but maybe she did it to prove she wasn't scared of them.

A Raisin in the Sun: First Thoughts

After reading the first Act you can tell the Younger family is a poor family all living in a small 2 bedroom apartment. Forcing Travis to sleep on some worn out living room couch. Everyone is constantly thinking about money. Walter wants money to invest in a liquor business with friends. Mama wants money to invest in a house. Beneatha wants money for college to become a doctor. Ruth wants money so she can get an abortion. Travis wants money for school. They are all waiting for the $10,000 insurance check to come in from the death of Mama's husband. They all need a hobby. They need to stop worrying about the check and be thankful for what they have. I think they should look at living in a small apartment as a gift. More family bonding time. If they move in a big house they are all going to drift apart.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bronx Masquerade: Finished Reading

Mr.Ward is their teacher. He seems like a really good one too. He encourages the kids and tells them that "The future is ours, Let us have it." He in some ways reminds me of Mr. Keatings from the movie Dead Poet Society. They both encourage their students to express their true feelings. Other teachers didn't like either of them. Teachers didn't like Mr.Ward because students would skip their classes and go to Mr.Wards class for Open Mike. They didn't like Mr.Keatings because he didn't go by the guidelines.

WOW. All these kids have some problems. They are in 11th grade with kids, and getting abused, and bullying. The whole class should be on the Jerry Springer show. I didn't really enjoy the book to much. It was to much like freedom writers, a ghetto class with all this drama. But then the teacher brings them all together.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Bronx Masquerade: Character Description

Wesley Boone is a bad guy that doesn't do his homework. He is a good writer though. He was first to start Open Mike Friday. Him and all of his friends think that they are "to cool for school."

Tyrone Bittings is the main character, He is one of the few kids who's dad didn't abandon his mom. But his dad died by a drive by when he was 33. An Tyrone doesn't think he'll live past 21. He doesn't really like white people at the beginning. But i think Mr.Ward brought all the kids together.

Chankara Troupe got abused by her boyfriend. She got a bruise on her face from her boyfriend, she wanted to skip school but she didn't because she didn't want to miss English class. She saw her sister get beat by her boyfriend a couple years ago, and she decided early she wont have an abusive boyfriend. She writes really deep poems and no one wants to read after her because her poem was so good.

Raul Ramirez is a painter and paints during lunch. He is one of the few students who doesn't mind working hard. Tyrone didn't know he could write, and I think the whole class was surprised when Raul read his really good Zorro poem.

Diondra Jordan is a painter, but her parents mainly her father doesn't support her. Her father wants her to play for the WNBA because she is 6 feet tall. Diondra does not want to play basketball though. But she is to shy to tell her father that. She needs to stand up now or she will always be in the back round never stating her opinions.

Devon Hope is a really good basketball player. He tells his friends he is going to gym to practice on basketball when really he is going to read in the library. He aparently has trust issues. He thinks his friends are going to abandom him if they find out he likes to read. All the girls like Devon too.

Lupe Algarin she wants to have a baby, and for someone to love her. OK WHO IN HIGHSCHOOL WANTS A BABY! Look at Gloaria she is saying how hard it is. Why would you want to get waken up all through the night from a crying baby? She wrote a poem about finding a guy. Tyrone said she never smiles.

Gloria Martinez has a baby boy named Angel. And the father told her he wanted nothing to do with her or the baby. She loves her baby but she says how its really hard work.

Janelle Battle is very smart and loves to read. But she has a very low self esteem. Maybe its because she is a little heavy. Nothing is wrong with a few extra pounds. Be confidant for who you are!

Leslie Lucas is one of the few white people in the class. She lives with her grandparents because her mother passed away. She is scared of the other kids too. "The scariest thing i can think of now is being all alone is in the world." I think she is the typical white girl scared of black people. I think she is all alone in school, until she becomes friends with Porscha because her mom died too.

Judianne Alexander has really low self esteem. But Its because of her jerk step father who calls her ugly, and her mother doesn't even defend her. Judianne wishes she was as pretty as Lupe. She also makes her own clothes.

Tanisha Scott has good skin and hair, and most people are jealous of it. Tyrone calls her "caramel cutie." She was so annoyed with people staring and touching her hair last year that she cut it all off.

Sterling S. Hughes everyone calls him preacher because he plays guitar at his church every Sunday. He wants to be a science teacher. I think he believes in God so strongly because he has seen him work in his life. His younger brother was dieing of pneumonia and the doctors gave up but his mother prayed and he got better.

Amy Moscowitz doesn't get close to people. She hasn't had a best friend of boyfriend since her mother passed. I think its because she is afraid she will get hurt again. The only person she really talks to is Sterling who gives her advice.

Shelia Gamberoni is Italian and loves it, but hates her blond hair and pail skin. She wants to change her name to Natalia to express her Africana roots.

Steve Ericson doesn't exactly knows who he is. He knows he wants to be a set designer, and work on Broadway. His parents don't support this. And they are moving and he thinks its to get him away from New York and Broadway. "remember: Pack your dreams. They're portable." said by Steve (in his poem Doubtless)

Raynard Patterson eats sleeps and dreams music. He is dyslexic and whenever they read in class Mr. Ward skips over him. Everyone in class thinks he is an idiot. He used to think he was dumb too but Mr. Ward raised his self esteem.

Porscha Johnson everyone thinks she is crazy. A bully ridiculed her for 9 months then one day Porscha cracked and beat up the bully. But no one got her side of the story. I think she is violent because she was abused by her mom and almost killed more then once. Her mother died and she finally forgave her.

Bronx Masquerade by Nikki Grimes

By the cover I'm going to guess that it's about a African American teen boy who is looking to find a brighter future. Who was once raised in a bad part or town, but rises above it and succeeds and excels in high school. Then a got a different thought once i read the back of the book. Just on the back of the book it says "aiight!" I'm guessing that he thinks its impossible for an African American such as himself to make it in America and become successful. Well with his attitude it is. Him saying how he doesn't want to go to school. Well you won't become successful if you don't finish high school. We'll see how the rest of the book goes.
Picture from:

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Glass Menagerie: A Second Look

This is what I got out of The Glass Menagerie. It may be right, or it may be completely off but this is what popped into my head. When I first looked at the book I had no clue what was on the front cover. In the last scene Jim O'Connor is talking to Laura and gets to know the real her. People have probably judged her for her crippled leg her entire life and not many people got to know the real her, and what she was really like and saw her true beauty. Well like the book cover if you just glance at it you would just think its random lines. But once you open up the book and see what its really like you can tell that those lines you used to think were squiggles are something completely different. They are a giraffe, and unicorn, a duck and others. But what I translated the meaning and of the book to be was literally Don't judge a book by its Cover, and Looks can be deceiving.